Be part of SKAIDI Community – Support our work at Arctic Wolfland Sanctuary with a tip

Skaidi means where the rivers meet – where hand and paw come together and Skaidi was the first of Wolfland’s wolfdogs whose life was taken by wolf hatred.

Our goal here at Arctic Wolfland Sanctuary is Educating people and raising awareness about wolfdogs and wolves! There is so much hate, prejudices and misinformation out there, which takes on threatening forms and ends in threats, lies, persecution and partly aim at the destruction of our existence and that of our animals. when we started Arctic Wolfland Sanctuary, we could not have imagined, even in our worst nightmares, what humans are capable of.
The wolf plays a huge, important role in nature, created perfectly by GOD. Animals and plants have been created by GOD in perfect co-existence and if one element is removed, the consequences are far-reaching!
Love of Money and greed is one source of all evil and the source of wolf hatred.

The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them.

Isaiah 11.6

things your tip can buy

In the following, prices are roughly calculated according to current market prices, which have risen sharply in recent months.

  • €15-20 – can buy raw meat for one week of feeding An Arctic Wolfdog
  • €35 – can buy raw meat for Taivas & the Arctic Wolves for one day
  • €150 – can buy one load of bone fun for Taivas & the Arctic Wolves
  • €1000 – can buy raw meat for Taivas & the Arctic Wolves for one Month
  • €1000 – can buy 1 ton of raw meat – approx. 2 months of feeding Taivas & the Arctic Wolves in winter time. In winter we are able to store larger amount of frozen meet and can so buy cheaper in bulk
  • €1500 – can buy a new kennel – we started using kennels during the night, they became a necessity for the protection of our animals
  • €5000 – can buy material for a new approx. 600m2 enclosure including kennel and dog houses

Tips can be made on a weekly, monthly and yearly base or as a one time tip – you choose the amount.

All tips will be 100% used for the animals and work at Arctic Wolfland Sanctuary.

Thank you & GOD Bless you!

Arctic Wolfland Sanctuary © 2017-2024