company details
Arctic Wolfland Sanctuary (Susimaa Lapland Ay)
Y-tunnus: 3240006-8
Post Address: Simonkankaantie 39
97700 Ranua – Lapland – Finland
Phone/WhatsApp: +358 44 23 73 104
Email: info @ arcticwolflandsanctuary . com
Please book in advance!
There is no booking office on location and note:
The area of Arctic Wolfland Sanctuary is view protected!
You cannot see anything from the streetside!
educating and raising awareness about wolfdogs and wolves!
The Off-grid Wolfland Sanctuary
in Northern Europe, Finnish Lapland
Phone/WhatsApp: +358 44 23 73 104
Email: info @ arcticwolflandsanctuary . com
There is no booking office on location
and note: the area of Arctic Wolfland Sanctuary is view protected! You cannot see anything from the streetside!
what visitors say
“Some days are ordinary and some days are very special and memorable – and this is one of them when you visit. Absorb it all.“
“Your lifestyle is very inspiring.It is even more special because you are living in such cold conditions, off grid with a young family and of course are doing it while caring for/living with wolfdogs.”
“Amazing experience – Truly an incredible experience! The wolfdogs are adorable and well taken care of. Thank you guys so much for an amazing afternoon!
Arctic Wolfland Sanctuary © 2017-2025